
Saturday, May 28, 2016

Familly and Friends

Family And Friend’s With There Kids
When all the family got together the kids went out to play.
Their mom and dad’s talked to their friend’s

The family and their friend’s thought they would take their kid’s fishing. All the kid’s enjoy the fishing trip.
They ask if they could stay fishing and their mom and dad said yes.
The kid’s had so much fun that day fishing they caught a lot of fish So they had fish for supper and after supper the older son wanted to go walking down by the creek for awhile

He met a girl on the way there she was the prettiest thing he ever seen he wanted to hold her hand but he was to shy
He asked her if they could meet down by the creek again
And she said yes and they started meeting there every day.
As the days went by they fall in love with each other.

Then she ask him do you believe in the Lord Jesus and he said yes I do then she said I am very glad you do I believe in our Lord Jesus too. She out were he goes to church at then she ask her mom could they go to her boyfriend church and her mom said yes they could.
So they went to his church all the time he sit by her at church all the time and they to be old enough to get marry so he ask her would she marry him then the girl said yes she would be glad to marry him.

Then they got marry and then they had a baby and his mom and dad was very happy for them the mom was so happy to be a grandmother and his dad was so happy to be a grandfather and
They live happy after

Write By Eddie